Cancer Cover

Cancer Insurance

Cancer Cover Insurance is different from Serious Illness Cover as it focuses solely on cancer and therefore, the cost of cancer cover insurance is substantially less than serious illness cover.

There are few families in Ireland that have been unaffected by cancer. In fact, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women in Ireland will suffer from cancer at some stage in their lifetime.

Cancer accounts for 1 in 4 deaths of the annual death rate and after heart disease accounts for the second most common cause of death in Ireland.

Cancer Cover Insurance is available to clients aged 18 to 60 and is available on a single, dual or joint life basis. The minimum premium is €10 per month. The minimum amount of cover is €5,000.

Cancer Cover Insurance can be taken as a single standalone benefit or can be taken in conjunction with other covers such as Life Cover (Lump Sum) and Life Cover (Monthly Income). It is not available as an accelerated benefit and it is not available with mortgage protection.