Home Insurance

Home Insurance

Home Insurance will provide you cover against losses such as fire, storm, flood and theft occurring to your home and its contents. There are other benefits that can be considered to enhance your home insurance cover such as accidental damage, personal processions outside the home such as camera, laptop or jewellery. Liability insurance covers you for injury to other people in or around your home. The cost of cover depends on how much it would cost to rebuild your house or replace the contents.

There can be considerable differences between policies in terms of what they exclude and the extras included. When you buy home insurance, it is important to remember that the policy offering the lowest premium is not always the best. It is essential to read the policy details first to discover what's covered before you sign up.

Please take note

Restrictions and exclusions
These are events or situations that are not covered by your insurance policy. While standard exclusions are contained in every policy, specific exclusions and restrictions will vary across insurers - so check with your provider before you sign up.

The excess
This is the amount that you will have to pay yourself for any claim before your insurer pays the balance. The excess amount differs from each insurance company so it is important to know the excess on the policy before purchasing it.

Many insurance companies automatically increase the amount of your buildings and contents cover when they renew your policy each year. This is called indexation. It helps you to avoid being under-insured as it increases the amount of your cover in line with inflation.